The Benefits Of Personal Training

If you want to get fitter and healthier, you may have considered personal training to help you achieve your goals. Here are just a few of the benefits of personal training:


Let’s say you’ve decided to work out on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays after work. The beginning of the week goes well, but on Friday you have a busy day and then one of your coworkers asks you to go out for a drink. You’re the only one who knows or cares that you planned to work out, so it’s easy to bail on it. You’re not accountable.

When you hire a personal trainer, you get built-in accountability. You have an appointment with your trainer and they are waiting for you to show up. A good trainer will also help keep you accountable with your other goals, checking in on your nutrition progress or other healthy lifestyle habits.


Along with accountability, the thing my clients tell me they need most is motivation. A good personal trainer has studied not just exercise, but the science of behavior change and motivation. With my clients, I design their programs with built-in features that boost motivation.

For example, feeling confident is one of the factors that predicts effective motivation, so I make sure to set my clients up for success with small wins.


You might think exercise is simple – just move more. In some ways it is. But devising a good, goal-oriented exercise program requires specialized knowledge.

A personal trainer with the right education and experience knows how exercise affects the body and how to design the large and small details of an exercise program to target specific results.


It’s really important that you challenge yourself in your workouts, but you don’t want to push too hard or do something that causes an injury.

One of the benefits of hiring a personal trainer is that they can ensure you’re doing each exercise correctly (with good form), and they can challenge you just enough but not too much.


These days there are thousands of exercise videos available for free online. There are also lots of different group fitness classes, both in person and virtual. Many of these videos and classes (but not all of them) are well-designed by exercise professionals who know what they’re doing.

They will get you moving, but following a generic video or class doesn’t give you an exercise program personalized for you.

It doesn’t focus on your unique and specific goals, exercise history, and abilities. It won’t have exercises to correct any muscle imbalances or posture issues you may have, and it won’t be able to scale the exercises to match your ability so they are just challenging enough for you.

With a personal trainer, you get a program specifically designed for your body, your needs, your goals, your abilities, and your lifestyle.


Many people exercise to see some specific results. You might be aiming for weight loss, muscle building, getting stronger, or improving your health. A personal trainer can help you achieve those goals by designing a structured, strategic, and progressive program.

That’s a big step up from what most people do, which is simply exercising. Exercising is great, but it’s not the same as a goal-oriented training program. For more on the difference between exercising and training, check out my full article here.

The Bottom Line

Personal training has many benefits. Investing in personal training is investing in your health.

To find out how my personal training services can benefit you, contact me!


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